AI café Conversations

Exploring the Rich Blend of AI Personalization Over an Espresso with Sahar

May 22, 2024 Sahar the AI whisperer Season 1 Episode 8
Exploring the Rich Blend of AI Personalization Over an Espresso with Sahar
AI café Conversations
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AI café Conversations
Exploring the Rich Blend of AI Personalization Over an Espresso with Sahar
May 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8
Sahar the AI whisperer

Ever wondered how a simple love for espresso could explain the intricate workings of AI personalization in our lives? That's exactly the shot of insight I'm serving up at the AI Cafe, with no holds barred on the remarkable advances AI has made, especially with the launch of ChatGPT 4.0. It's not just about sipping lattes and talking tech; we're walking through the capabilities that are changing our digital interactions, like how AI can now navigate the web with ease and handle data within platforms like Excel and Google Sheets. These tools are more than just convenient—they're game-changers for our everyday workflow.

As we steam through the episode, the aroma of ethical discussions and AI governance fills the air, bringing a deeper flavor to our chat. We're reflecting on the recent shifts within AI defense teams and what it means for the balance of machine intelligence and human oversight. And for those concerned about AI's impact on privacy, especially with the new Reddit partnership, we tackle these topics head-on. It's a blend of critical insights and empowering tips on how to prompt AI effectively—because let's face it, you wouldn't enjoy a poorly brewed coffee, and the same goes for AI output. No guests this time, just me, Sahar, guiding you through the complex yet intriguing world of AI personalization—like the perfect espresso, it's strong, rich, and sure to keep you coming back for more.

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Show Notes Transcript

Ever wondered how a simple love for espresso could explain the intricate workings of AI personalization in our lives? That's exactly the shot of insight I'm serving up at the AI Cafe, with no holds barred on the remarkable advances AI has made, especially with the launch of ChatGPT 4.0. It's not just about sipping lattes and talking tech; we're walking through the capabilities that are changing our digital interactions, like how AI can now navigate the web with ease and handle data within platforms like Excel and Google Sheets. These tools are more than just convenient—they're game-changers for our everyday workflow.

As we steam through the episode, the aroma of ethical discussions and AI governance fills the air, bringing a deeper flavor to our chat. We're reflecting on the recent shifts within AI defense teams and what it means for the balance of machine intelligence and human oversight. And for those concerned about AI's impact on privacy, especially with the new Reddit partnership, we tackle these topics head-on. It's a blend of critical insights and empowering tips on how to prompt AI effectively—because let's face it, you wouldn't enjoy a poorly brewed coffee, and the same goes for AI output. No guests this time, just me, Sahar, guiding you through the complex yet intriguing world of AI personalization—like the perfect espresso, it's strong, rich, and sure to keep you coming back for more.

 #AIResearch #AIFuture #AIRevolution #AIForGood #AICommunity #AIExperts #AIInnovation #AIApplications #AIInsights #AIStartup #AIDevelopment #AITrends #AITechnology #AIExplained #AIEngineering #MachineLearningAI #AIConference #AILeaders #AIProjects #AIBreakthrough #AIWorld #AITransform #AIAdvancements #AIDiscussion #AIInHealthcare #AIAndEthics #AIProgress #AIChatbots #AIInEducation #PromptEngineering #PromptChaining 

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Speaker 1:

Hi guys, it's Sahar. Welcome back to the AI Cafe 1, 2, 3, 4. The cozy atmosphere of your favorite coffee shop. I'm your host, sahar, and today we are talking about a topic that is as rich, as bold as a freshly pulled espresso shot. Did I ever tell you I love espressos? It's just like I can't live without them, especially double espressos. How AI personalizes and customizes our daily experiences.

Speaker 1:

But before we go into that, I really want to share with you some really important updates that we got this week for AI and I want to summarize them for you. The biggest one, of course, is that chat GPT 4.0, or the turbo, if you want to call it is in place. It has been out for everyone to use it, especially for the people that are paid subscribers, and I really highly I'm not an affiliate, but I really highly suggest that you put $20 a month for to use AI with no limits kind of no limits, but it's really great because it can get you into the web and all that. I really suggest it highly. Again, I'm not an affiliate. The other one that maybe the free users are a little bit frustrated because it's limiting the number of inquiries that they can have, but at least it's out there. The other big news about chat gpt is that they signed an agreement with reddit, where reddit is gonna the information from reddit can is gonna help train chat gpt even further, and we all know that there is so much information in reddit, though some of the users on reddit are really frustrated because they are scared about their privacy.

Speaker 1:

Uh, the other big news about chat gpt is that they actually now can work with excel in a better way. They can edit spreadsheets, tables and charts directly by simply prompting it to do so. It can actually get into your google drive or microsoft onedrive instead of like changing it to csv, uploading, downloading and all that. It can work directly on it, meaning that you can upload just an excel, um or a google sheet to chat gpt and it will take the data and can deliver analysis as you go, which is an awesome thing to do. Um, I follow a lot of people online, especially, uh, that I get like a lot of stuff from like neuron, like AI reports and, and they're really very thorough about their their detailed news, and that's how I'm able to share stuff with you. I use a lot of their information to help you with it, so I don't take credit for taking that out. What else I want to share with you? Okay, there is actually few things more tools that are developed. One of the things that I saw on your own also was that chat playground can help you compare the best chatbots on different platforms like GPT, geminiini and Cloud. So this is something that you can use. What else? What else? What else?

Speaker 1:

I told you that Reddit is doing, that Sony sent a letter to all of the AI CEOs because they want to protect the intellectual property of their music. The one concerning thing that happened this week is that ChatGPT has kind of dismantled how to say that? Dismantled the defense team, if you want to call it for AI, the one team that made sure that AI doesn't overtake human beings thinking and technology, because the two top guys have resigned because they thought that less than 20 percent of the budget is directed to that, and this is was their way to say enough is enough, I don't want that and they are out of it. It would be very interesting to know what they do after that.

Speaker 1:

So back to our podcast and how it can. Ai can help us do the personalization of our experiences and, just to let you know, I would always say that in every episode garbage in, garbage out I have people, I coach people. They say, oh, I use AI, it's not helping me. There is nothing called AI is not helping me. How are you prompting it? This is the most important part. You have to always start by giving it a function, remembering that AI doesn't have a background, doesn't have contacts, doesn't have your experience. You have to feed it with all that. If you are lazy in your prompt, guess what? The response that you're going to get from AI will be lazy. And I'm talking about all of them, not only chat GPT. And another thing people when they talk about artificial intelligence, they think it's only chat GPT. No, you have like hundreds of them now, but the most prominent ones now are Chad GPT, gemini, claude, copilot. So these are the main ones that I play with all the time.

Speaker 1:

So, going back again to the experience that we get as customization from AI, just like a skilled barista who remembers how you take your coffee, ai technologies are learning how to serve us better by remembering our preferences. Because a couple of weeks ago, chat gpt came back and said guess what? We created a memory that now it will remember the prompts that you have on chat gpt, even for the free users, which is a great advantage, because I'm gonna share a frustrating experience that I had with copilot with you. I worked a full idea on copilot. That took me like 20 minutes, went deep and then I I don't know what happened. I think I had a phone call and I had to do something. A couple of hours later I go back to get it and it's gone, and when I asked Copilot about it, it responded that they don't retain any information under the pretext that they care about the privacy of the people that use it, which is total whatever. I'm not going to say bad words on my podcast, but this is the beauty of our chat GPT is that whatever you have, it's reserved on your left-hand side in an index, and that's why I probably am more biased towards Chad GPT.

Speaker 1:

Whether it's AI remembers your preferences, whether it's music playlists that seem to read our mind, shopping suggestions that feel tailor-made, or even the news feed that shows us more of what we like. Ai is the genius behind the curtain or the algorithms, right? Let me take a sip of my coffee. Let's start with something a lot of us use every day music streaming services. Picture this you wake up, hit play on your favorite music app and the first song is exactly what you needed to hear. How does the app know? Well, it's all thanks to machine learning algorithms that analyze your past listening habits, the time of the day, what you skip and what you replay. You even notice that on Pandora. Now it's like your personal barista who, after seeing you bleary-eyed every morning, starts adding an extra shot to your first espresso of the day without you having to ask Don't we love our baristas?

Speaker 1:

Now let's shift gears to online shopping. Ever wondered how e-commerce sites seem to know just what you're looking for, whether it's suggesting a new coffee maker as soon as your old one starts acting up, or recommending a travel mug when it notices that you have been buying more on-the-go coffee capsules. This isn't just random. Ai analyzes your shopping patterns, seasonal trends and even what other similar users are buying to create a personalized shopping experience. And I know it's gonna freak out some people. They feel like they're stock, but it's what repurposed marketing is all about, right? It's like how, even now, even before AI became so popular, we have been seeing that Cookies. They call them cookies, right. So it does not stop at shopping or music. Ai personalization extends to social media feeds, video streaming services and even advertisement.

Speaker 1:

Each of the platforms uses AI to create a unique experience that is tailored just for you and me, much like how a barista crafts your drink to suit your taste. But how exactly does AI learn so much about us? Your taste, but how exactly does AI learn so much about us? It all starts with data Lots and lots and lots of it. Every time we interact with digital platforms, we leave behind crumbs. They call them data crumbs, we call them digital footprint, like leaving coffee grounds behind in a filter. Ai sifts through these crumps to understand patterns and preferences. However, with great power comes great responsibility.

Speaker 1:

While it's amazing to have experiences so finely tuned to our taste, it also raises questions about privacy and data security, and I know some people get freaked out. They feel like I said before they feel stopped. Just as you wouldn't want everyone in the coffee shop to know exactly how you like your drink, there is a conversation to be had about how much we want ai to know about us. So, as we wrap up today's brew, remember ai is just a tool. It's not a silver bullet. It's a tool meant to enhance our lives, to make the day-to-day a little more tailored to our individual tastes, whether it's making sure your coffee is perfect to our individual tastes, whether it's making sure your coffee is perfect or that your music never misses a beat. Ai is there. It's not going away. It's making sure that your word feels just right. Remember garbage in, garbage out. You can customize everything you want. It's exactly what social media started, and people were scared that everything about them is going to be online and they missed that there were privacy settings that they can use to protect whatever they don't want to share. Ai is not coming for our jobs. Ai is not going to replace a job or replace jobs, but people with AI skills will replace these jobs. Always remember that.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning in to my AI Cafe Conversations podcast. Please share it with your friends. I need subscribers, so please help me. Help an entrepreneur here, help a small business owner here. Don't forget to subscribe and share your thoughts. Have you noticed AI making a difference in your life? Please let me know. Put it in the comment. Until next time, keep your coffee hot and your insights into AI even hotter. Please let me know if I can help you with anything. You can schedule a free consultation with me. If you want a complimentary one for 15 minutes, you can go to calendlycom slash Sahar Andrade. Calendlycom slash Sahar and ready. Calendlycom slash Sahar and ready. I would love to see you. You can also follow me on Instagram. I have a lot of AI tips a few times a week and I am Sahar, the reinvent coach on Instagram. Hope to see you soon. Thank you for listening. See you later.